Your contribution would enable us to continue and expand our work as experts and innovators in the field of education for healthy sexuality and reproductive rights.
Donations to “Lada’at – Choose Well” are tax deductible.
US Dollar donations can be made by mailing a check (minimum of $25) made out to PEF Israel Endowment Fund, Inc., with a recommendation for “Lada’at – Choose Well”, NGO number 580055911. They can be mailed to PEF Israel Endowment Fund, Inc., 630 Third Ave, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10017 USA.
Online USD, CAD or NIS donations can be made via Jgive.
If you wish to make a donation please press here. Thank You!
Checks can be sent to: “Ladaat – Choose Well”, POB 2284, Jerusalem 9102201.
Donations can also be made by bank transfer: “Ladaat – Choose Well”, Bank Beinleumi, Branch 012, 10 Hillel St., Jerusalem, Account no. 920606.